Lab-e Khandaq Historical Hotel is located in an ancient mansion known as Tayyebi house in Lab-e-Khandaq neighborhood. The building's date, back to the late Qajar era and is close to Qiam Avenue and the ancient Bazaars. This hotel is also in the vicinity to Mehr hotel. The building enjoys a main courtyard, an orangery, a wind catcher, a traditional hall and a roof connected to some other houses which overlooks the historical quarter. 10 rooms with 30 beds and the nearness to the main transaction centers of the city are the other advantages of this hotel.
Proximity to the Amir Chaghmaq's historical complex, Qiam avenue, downtown as well as Zargarha , Khan, Panj-e Ali and Shahzadehfazel Bazaars and Mehr hotel are the benefits that hotel enjoys.
Full service, Jacuzzi, Mini bar,TV , heating and cooling modern systems, wireless internet access, internet cafe', satellite TV, physician, full insurance coverage, safe box, booking plane and train tickets, riding horses and camels, and the localYazd tours, desert tour, visiting the wildlife accompanied by a local guide, as well as horse cab riding.
Address: Lab-e Khandaq Alley, Qiam Ave, Yazd, Iran.
Tel: +983536226002-3